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Realising DIA’s Value

We are a group of supportive minority shareholders in DIA, led by Western Gate, who are calling for greater transparency, better minority shareholder representation and a significant improvement in the Company’s stakeholder engagement to ensure its potential is recognised by the market through a higher valuation. Despite DIA’s recent operational turnaround, the business remains significantly undervalued and its share price performance is languishing behind its peers. We are seeking significantly improved engagement with investors and the broader market to raise awareness of DIA’s investment case and realise value for all stakeholders.

Find out more about the Coalition
Luís Amaral, Western Gate
“We are long-standing shareholders in DIA and wholeheartedly believe in its potential. It is incredibly frustrating and disappointing that, despite significant improvements to the Company’s financial performance, the stock continues to be drastically undervalued by the market. In recent years, minority shareholders have been subjected to continuous dilutive transactions that have only appeared to benefit the majority shareholder. As minority shareholders we have good ideas and together we are stronger to effect change to realise value for all shareholders.”